Private Facebook group presenting key events of the Greek Revolution. The group refers to persons and events that are considered characteristic of the revolution. The group also publishes content that it considers important for Greece beyond the events of the revolution (religious, political issues, current affairs, etc.)
Private Facebook group presenting key events of the Greek Revolution. The group refers to persons and events that are considered significant in the revolution.
Private Facebook group run by the Valtetsi villagers assocation "O Kolokotronis". The group publishes content concerning the association's events, but also historical information concerning the action of the historical personality of Kolokotronis.
Public Facebook group presenting Megali Kastanea in Mani and focusing on Pyrgos Dourakis, one of the most representative towers of Messinian Mani and the role it played during the Greek Revolution. Users post content about Dourakis and the geographic location of the tower.
Private Facebook group dealing with the area of Valtetsi during the Greek Revolution. The group posts content about the historical figures who worked in Valtetsi, as well as commemorative events taking place in the area to celebrate the bicentenary of the revolution.
A private Facebook group created on the occasion of the bicentenary of the 1821 Greek Revolution by a school in Rhodes. The purpose of the group is to publish content related to the Greek Revolution to commemorate the path to the liberation of the Greek nation. The team posted for ten days in March 2021.
Public Facebook group created to highlight known and unknown aspects of the Greek Revolution. The page presents with enthusiasm people and events that are particularly important to the editors, as well as information that has not been discussed enough. Users write approvingly about the content, since they think they know Greek history.
Public group on Facebook that was created to present the main points of the Greek Revolution but also the relationship between Greece and Cyprus during the Greek Revolution. The group highlights important aspects of the relationship between the Greek Revolution and 1821.
A public Facebook group that features a quiz about the Greek Revolution. The team behind it shows how we can learn and have fun about the Greek Revolution through a game.
This page, created by the Contemporary Social History Archives, presents the relationship between the left and 1821 in an attempt to rethink the history of the Greek 20th century. The Archives of Contemporary Social History follows the readings of the Greek Revolution by building a repository of rare archival documents, unique publications, lively discussions and original texts.
The page presents an alternative way of commenting on the celebrations of the Greek Revolution. It comments on how the celebrations are carried out without the popular element, the relationship of the Greek Revolution with Eurocommunism, the concept of the revolt of the infidels, as well as a commentary on the way the bicentennial parade was conducted.
Boycott ’21 is an initiative of the Yfanet Factory occupation. The page runs an informal two-issue issue aimed at sabotaging the celebrations for the start of the Greek Revolution and resists nationalist chants arising from the anniversary. The page also presents the third issue which is divided into sit-ins and sit-ins, gatherings and demonstrations.
The page presents an anthology of articles and opinions on the occasion of the anniversary of the start of the Greek Revolution of 1821 in order to highlight the opinions and issues discussed with a focus on the nationalist narrative discourse.