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The Italian national discourse and the Greek Revolution: Politics, literature, art (1821–1847)



The Italian national discourse and the Greek Revolution: Politics, literature, art (1821–1847)


5 February 2021


"The paper aims to investigate the relations between the Italian national discourse and the Greek Revolution from its outbreak to the eve of the European revolutions of 1848. Along this period, Greece managed to achieve the formation of an early national state while Italy was still divided into multiple local entities. As the recent historiography on Italian Risorgimento has demonstrated, during those years a specific public discourse about Italian national identity was developed in order to create a community of individuals. Within this debate, it is possible to find many references to the Greek experience: from the enthusiasm of the 1820s to the more thoughtful meditations during the two following decades. Political thinkers, writers and artists were deeply impressed by the Greek events, thus using them to find suggestions, examples and possibly models to shape Italian national identity and to prepare the future national revolution."

From the book of abstracts of the conference, as it was published on Intiative's 1821-2021 website.

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