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200 years on: Reassessing the Greek Revolution of 1821



200 years on: Reassessing the Greek Revolution of 1821


17 May 2021


This online conference was organised by the Austrian Society of Modern Greek Studies in collaboration with the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of the University of Vienna.

Speakers from the universities of Athens, Bochum, Klagenfurt, Pardubice, Vienna, as well as from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, contributed new approaches to the 1821 Revolution, with a double focus: the view from within the insurgent areas and the Ottoman Empire and the view from without, with an emphasis on Austria and the German-speaking lands.

Individual papers were presented in two panels, which were followed by a roundtable where speakers and moderators discussed current trends in scholarly research about the Greek 1821. The conference’s languages are English and German.

The 1821 Greek Revolution, a founding event for modern Greece, was at the same time a European and an Ottoman event. By interweaving the view from within the insurgent regions with that from Constantinople, the European imperial capitals, the Greek communities in Austria and German-speaking philhellenic circles, this short conference aimed to reassess the character and the impact of the event in the light of recent historical research.

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