The Greek Revolution and the Congresses of the Great Powers
The Greek Revolution and the Congresses of the Great Powers
Alternative Title
Der griechische Unabhängigkeitskampf und die Mächtekongresse
Spatial Coverage
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17 May 2021
This paper firstly gives an insight into the archival documentation of the Greek Revolution in the records of the high-level diplomatic meetings following the Congress of Vienna, dubbed “Mächtekongresse”. In 1821, the members of the European Concert of Powers, Austria, France, Britain, Russia and Prussia, all had their respective interests regarding the so-called Eastern Question – and these found their representation in different archival sources kept at the Austrian State Archives, which will be presented in the first part of the talk. Secondly, we will discuss the digital scholarly edition interface the authors jointly devised for the edition, which is available at We will outline the technical background of using Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) XML data for transcription and annotation of historical documents, their web presentation and digital preservation. This includes the invitation to contribute to the digital scholarly edition of Sources of Habsburg Ottoman Diplomacy (QHOD) recently started at the Austrian Academy of Sciences’ Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies, which provides a digital infrastructure for text and image data related to diplomatic exchange between the two empires’ courts from 1500 to 1918.
(Modified abstract from conference documentation)
(Modified abstract from conference documentation)
Type specialization
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