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Atlas 1821



Atlas 1821

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The "Atlas 1821" is a digital tool for searching information about the Greek area and for in-depth mapping of the historical landscape of the Greek Revolution and the creation of the Greek State (1821-1852). The atlas was developed by the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, with funding from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation. It is based on the utilization of significant maps produced during those critical years as data sources for the space (political, natural, and historical), and their digital reconstruction through the restoration of the main sources of each map (routes and travel narratives, reports from correspondents, topographic surveys and hydrographic research, demographic estimates, topographic and archaeological images), as well as the works that accompanied their design (geodetic works, geographic descriptions, statistical censuses, and archaeological studies). The Atlas is complemented by primary testimonies of the Greek Revolution, drawn from memoirs of fighters and philhellenes, as well as images produced during that period.

Επιστημονικά Υπεύθυνος/Υπεύθυνη

George Tolias (Institute of Historical Research, NHRF)

Σύνδεσμος έργου

Position: 2047 (41 views)