Subject - keywords is exactly
Τούτο το Παν, το οποίον και Κόσμος ονομάζεται…: Χάρτες και απεικονίσεις του Κόσμου, από την Αρχαιότητα στον Αιώνα των Φώτων
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The place and itopia of the Revolution: Stories from the Charta
Webpage/blog -
Rigas Velestinlis' Charta of Greece: The era, the map, the revolution
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The use of archival/cartographic material in the educational process: The example of Rigas' Charta
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Researching and discovering the 1821 Revolution through maps
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Talanti during the 1821 Revolution
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The imprint of 1821 on Talanti and Lokrida
Webpage/blog -
Apo petra kai chrono (From stone and time)
Documentary- Television program