List Of Authors is exactly
Maria Efthymiou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
The 1821 Revolution: Studies in memory of Despina Themeli-Katifori
Book -
Modern Hellenism: Its worlds and the world
Book -
Macedonia in the 1821 Revolution: Political, social, economic and historiographical dimensions
Conference -
The 1821 Revolution: Eleven historians trace the course of the struggle
Book -
New research programmes for the 1821 Revolution
Conference -
Internal conflicts and civil strife in the Serbian and the Greek revolution: A comparison
Conference presentation -
“Bicentenary of the liberal revolution” podcast, episode 1: Aristides Hatzis with Maria Efthymiou
Speech/Lecture -
Charting the events of an ambiguous struggle: Greek troops and land battles
Speech/Lecture -
21 lectures on 1821
Speech/Lecture -
Memoirs of the second siege of Messolongi (1825–1826) and other notes concerning the history of the great struggle