The Holy Cincture in Crete in 1821
Book -
Oh beloved motherland
Music event -
When Rigas met Mozart
Theater play -
Veterans: The fighters of the 1821 Greek Revolution during the period of King Otto’s state
Book -
200 years of Greek Revolution: 250 + 1 since the birth of Beethoven
Music event -
Kanto Tzavella-Dragoi in the years of the revolution
Theater play -
1821 and its protagonists
Book -
Medical history of the 1821 Revolution: The beginnings of the formation of the Greek public health, 1790-1831
Book -
Theater play -
The wind of freedom: Theodoros Kolokotronis
Performing arts -
New Historians of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on 1821
Conference -
Unknown aspects of 1821: Young historians of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki research the Greek struggle for independence. Conference proceedings
Book -
Freedom, Greek Muse
Music event -
The trial of Theodoros Kolokotronis
Theater play -
1821: What made it Greek? What made it revolutionary?
Book -
Markos Botsaris
Performing arts -
Paintelling: Travelling with the symbols and myths of Rigas’ Charta
Webpage/blog -
«Εγώ είμαι εγώ, Ευζωνάκι γοργό…»
Webpage/blog -
A map, a coin, a story about freedom
Webpage/blog -
I was a child in 1821
Webpage/blog -
Τούτο το Παν, το οποίον και Κόσμος ονομάζεται…: Χάρτες και απεικονίσεις του Κόσμου, από την Αρχαιότητα στον Αιώνα των Φώτων
Webpage/blog -
The place and itopia of the Revolution: Stories from the Charta
Webpage/blog -
Rigas Velestinlis' Charta of Greece: The era, the map, the revolution
Webpage/blog -
Singing the Revolution
Book -
200 years of Greece, in our folk tradition
Music event