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  • Southern Europe in the Age of Revolutions

  • 1821 and the World

  • Philhellenism and the Greek Revolution of 1821: Towards a Global History

  • Workshop: 1821: What Made it Greek and Revolutionary?

  • #Greece200years

    Twitter hashtag
  • #Revolution1821

    The hashtag #Επανάσταση1821 dominated the Twitter world in March 2021 during the celebrations for the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution. Most of the posts refer to the fact of the celebrations with a playful character about the political figures or events that took place on 25 March 2021. In addition, there are users who do not comment mockingly, but only refer to the celebrations. Special mention is also made of the Greek flag, which is characterised by many as a sign of nationalism in the 21st century. The images accompanying the texts either mock or show Greek flags and imprints of Greek flags on buildings around the world due to the celebrations.
  • #Greece2021

    The hashtag #Greece1821 dominated March 2021 on Twitter due to the celebration of the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution. Netizens present with satisfaction and intense joy the bicentenary celebration that is taking place all over the world. The Greek white flag dominates the posts of users: they present buildings around the world with the Greek flag or images with the flag and historical figures. Also, historical information about personalities and events since the beginning of the Greek Revolution is recorded. Users show their enthusiasm for the mobilisation of Greeks around the world.
  • Burial Monuments at the First Cemetery of Athens: Warriors’ Tombs–Authors’ Tombs

  • Power and impunity: what Donald Trump and Boris didn't learn from the ancient Greeks

  • Wargaming the Greek War of Independence 1821-1830

    Private Facebook group that deals with the representations of 1821 in art and speech. The private group publishes various kinds of representations for 1821, such as board games, miniatures, etc., in order for users to discuss their reliability or search for new representations circulating for 1821.
  • The Greek War of Independence: reappraising its economic legacies

  • New perspectives on the Greek War of Independence: Myths, realities, legacies and reflections

  • Reactions to a post by Giannis Konstantatos, Mayor of Elliniko-Argyroupoli, 01/03/2021, 21:06

    The post concerns the mayor’s statement on the destruction of Evritos’ graffiti on a wall of the municipality of Argyroupoli-Elliniko, in which the perpetrators are called a “miserable minority”, “nihilists” and “democrats” and are compared to Ottoman destroyers of Christian temples. Gives a reassurance that the damage will be restored. The comments are largely positive, though negative reactions are detected as well.
  • Reactions to a post by Luben TV, 19/3/2021, 12:58

    The post shares a report regarding the aftermath of Evritos’ work being vandalized and the violent involvement of the members a local far-right group. The post receives generally positive comments.
  • Reactions to a post by TV Without Borders, 19/3/2021, 15:57

    The post shares a report on instances of violence after the restoration of Evritos’ work in the municipality of Argyroupoli-Elliniko, in which citizens pretending to be policemen assaulted suspected vandals and were arrested. The post receives mixed comments that review the case and are not concerned with current developments.
  • Reactions to a post of TV Without Borders, 4/3/2021, 13:01

    The post shares an article on the reactions to artist Evritos’ invitation by the municipality of Serres owing to his alleged fascist and aggressive work, mostly from opposition councillors as well as the responsible committee’s ignorance. The post receives largely positive comments.
  • Reactions to a post by, 24/3/2021, 08:51

    The post shares an article about the destruction of Evritos’ work in the municipality of Elliniko-Argyroupoli after its first restoration, which cites the mayor Giannis Konstantatos’ accusations towards a “group of motorcyclists” from Glyfada for destroying the work and the opposition party for now supporting a referendum on their condemnation, as well as his wishes for new arrests. The post receives mixed comments, but mostly irrelevant ones.
  • Reactions to a post by, 17/3/2021, 13:57

    The post shares an article that reports on the backstage dealings of Evritos’ controversial invitation by the municipality of Serres –as well as the opposition party’s reactions– the city government’s change of attitude and the cancellation of the artists’ planned projects, which was justified on his “phobic behaviour” and the non-disclosure of personal information. The post mostly receives negative comments.
  • Reactions to a post by, 02/03/2021, 10:39

    The post shares an article regarding doubts raised by the collaboration between the Municipality of Serres and Evritos due to his purported extreme views despite the City Council defending him. The post receives mixed to negative comments.
  • Reactions to a post by LIFO, 11/03/2021, 08:02

    The post shares an article that discusses the frustration and subsequent announcement by the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece, regarding the unlawful and ideologically polarising commissioning of Evritos by the municipality of Argyroupoli-Elliniko. The comments largely disagree with the article.
  • Reactions to a post by Marie Claire Greece, 19/03/2021, 12:22

    The post shares an article describing the traditional-costume-inspired outfits of Gianna Aggelopoulos in the official events for the bicentenary, praising the clothes and the wearer alike, comparing them to similar tributes to the tradition of other groups, and considering them an exceptional diplomatic move, as well as an excuse for the greater acceptance and sustainable development of Greek culture and an investment in it, by Greeks and not only. The post receives largely negative comments.
  • Reactions to the post by To Kouti tis Pandoras, 18/03/2021, 18:00

    The post shares an article denouncing the official government celebrations of the bicentenary – and in particular the military parade – as being junta-inspired and in poor taste. It also brings up the traditional attire of Gianna Angelopoulos. The post receives generally positive comments.
  • Reaction to the article "Sergoulopoulos: Let not some fascist brats exploit the concept of homeland"

    The article shares a report about an interview by actor Fotis Sergoulopulos, where criticized the institution of the children’s march at 1821 commemorations – which he considered to be connected to the military and thus irrelevant to the experience of childhood – but defended the concept of patriotism. He also referred to the issue of family creation and adoption by gay couples, but also that of interfamilial/professional violence against women. The post receives almost universally negative comments.
  • Reaction to the article "Lakis Gavalas: He got dressed like a tsolias to celebrate the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution"

    The article shares a report on fashion designer Lakis Gavalas’ social media post occasioned by the bicentenary celebrations, where he posed in a traditional uniform and cited verses from the Greek national anthem. The post receives negative to mixed reactions.
  • Reactions to a post by Marie Claire Greece, 11/03/2021, 14:00

    The post shares an article that presents products inspired by traditional arts and crafts and Greek mythology. It receives mixed to negative comments.