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Subject - keywords is exactly Eurytos (Destruction/Elliniko)
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  • Reactions to a post by Giannis Konstantatos, Mayor of Elliniko-Argyroupoli, 01/03/2021, 21:06

    The post concerns the mayor’s statement on the destruction of Evritos’ graffiti on a wall of the municipality of Argyroupoli-Elliniko, in which the perpetrators are called a “miserable minority”, “nihilists” and “democrats” and are compared to Ottoman destroyers of Christian temples. Gives a reassurance that the damage will be restored. The comments are largely positive, though negative reactions are detected as well.
  • Reactions to the post by, 2/3/2021, 02:40

    The post shares an article on the “defilement” of Evritos’ work in the municipality of Argyroupoli-Elliniko and cites the mayor’s statement. It receives a mixed-to-positive response.
  • Reactions to a post by ELgr, 2/03/2021, 11:30

    The comments below the post, which shares an article about the destruction of Evritos’ work in the municipality of Argyroupoli-Elliniko, which is described as a “defilement” and is attributed to “anti-Greeks”, “ethno-nihilists” and “known unknowns”, while the mayor’s statement is also cited, are supportive.
  • Reactions to a post by Mea Culpa, 15/02/2021, 20:15

    In the comments below the post, leftists are considered to be responsible for the destruction of Evritos’ work, and the harsh punishment of those responsible is demanded.