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The stance of newspapers during the civil war (1824–1825)



The stance of newspapers during the civil war (1824–1825)

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14 April 2021


"The first revolutionary newspapers to be published for at least a year were published in 1824. Three of them were published in Central Greece (two in Messolongi and one in Athens) with funding and presses from the London Philhellenic Committee. The fourth was published in Hydra with funding from the Kountouriotis family. All four newspapers had editors/publishers with radical liberal views and a dark past. The two are former arbonari (Giuseppe Chiappe, Pietro Gamba), one had been expelled from a Swiss university for unknown reasons (Johann Jakob Meyer) and the fourth, the only Greek (Georgios Psyllas) may have had contacts with the German murderer Karl Ludwig Sand. These newspapers had two things in common: they were completely controlled by radical liberals associated with the government camp, directly (Filos tou Nomou) or indirectly (Ellinikia Chronika, Telegrafo Greco, Efimeris Athinon). But their stance was not always the same, for various reasons. Some of these reasons are the peculiar course of Leicester Stanhope in Greece, the neutrality of Alexandros Mavrokordatos, especially in the second phase of the civil war, the greater or lesser independence in relation to the political actors behind the newspaper (Stanhope, Byron, Mavrokordatos, Gouras, Kountouriotis), and even the personal character of the publisher.

The lecture presents these differences qualitatively but also quantitatively. It seems to detect the attitude of each newspaper in the period 1824–1825 as a whole, the variations in the number and extent of the relevant publications and main articles, the intensity of criticism of one or both sides, the choice of terms and concepts, etc. It discusses the results using, in addition to the literature, relevant archival material from published and unpublished sources."

(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)

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