Kolokotronis contemplating the future: Women preparing for the revolution and I’ll be thinking of something
Kolokotronis contemplating the future: Women preparing for the revolution and I’ll be thinking of something
Spatial Coverage
Subject - keywords
9–10 October 2021
14–16 October 2021
18 June–18 July 2021
Date Issued
"Michail Marmarinos and Akillas Karazisis bear witness to faraway persons, events and locations in the present tense. Onstage, they collect “slices of life” coming from another time and represent them in the theatrical “now”. They emphasise successful and unsuccessful attempts of encountering the past and present onstage the discoveries of their “excavations”. They treat their material like sketches or unfinished canvasses, that demand the intervention of live participants in order to be completed, commented upon or given meaning. The actors present onstage, with their voices, bodies and being, fill the historical revelations with living colour, formulating their own version of the genealogy of the present. A stage production made out of thoughts and ideas, narrations and songs, poetry, dance and painting, faces and bodies, light and sound – out of what is enunciated and displayed. Among other things, the production uses the received texts of the era as evidence of a “multilingual” reality. Here is an unruly, rich body of material, written in all kinds of dialects and languages and constituting an immediate, synchronous reaction to the historical events. Composer Antonis Anissegos tries out new ideas on piano and electronics, attempting to “re-act” in an improvisatory way to what happened onstage."
(Edited description from organiser’s website: https://2021.nationalopera.gr/art-never-ending-revolution)
(Edited description from organiser’s website: https://2021.nationalopera.gr/art-never-ending-revolution)
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