Uprisings as a field of negotiation of power: Ottoman Cyprus, 1804–1841
Uprisings as a field of negotiation of power: Ottoman Cyprus, 1804–1841
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April 2016
Date Issued
For Ottoman Cyprus, the first half of the 19th century was a period of great turmoil, marked by four important moments: the great and months-long uprising of 1804, mainly in Nicosia, the events and executions of July 1821, the three parallel uprisings of 1833 and the upheaval of 1840-41 due to the attempted administrative reforms. This book investigates the causes and causes of the riots, the wider context in which they erupted and the reactions of local and central government. The uprisings are analysed as a kind of negotiation between many and different actors: the Sublime Porte in Istanbul, the sultan’s local authorities (Muslim and Christian), the consuls of European states, and of course the insurgents themselves who raise issues or react to certain policies. In addition to restoring order and returning to any Ottoman normalcy, the effects of these riots are significant, as they allowed the local reality to emerge each time in relation to the wider political and socioeconomic environment and to decode the way in which it is practiced. but also disputed, Ottoman rule in the periphery of the empire.
(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)
(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)
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