The songs of the struggle
The songs of the struggle
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3 November 2021
"This talk attempts a general historical overview of the songs of the struggle, based on research material that has been compiled and indexed in the following topics: pre-revolutionary songs and marches; historical and klepthic folk songs; written and visual testimonies from various sources (travellers, fighters, etc.) regarding the songs, musical instruments and dances of the period; the first organization of music education by Kapodistrias; songs and dances in the first years of Bavarian rule; Greek songs and marches in Europe/Greece as a source of inspiration for the European composers of the time; the echo of 1821 in scholarly-classical Greek music, in the tradition of popular shadow theatre and in the modern Greek songs.
We find it rather unfair to treat these songs only as historical evidence or as objects of literary study and musicological analysis. We have a lot to reflect on, to be inspired and recreate starting from their themes, their ideological and emotional content as well as their means of expression, their particular structure and technique.
For that reason, it’s worth getting to know them better, to try to decode the symbols and their functions in relation to the present, setting aside the distorted images from stereotypes and superficial folklore."
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
We find it rather unfair to treat these songs only as historical evidence or as objects of literary study and musicological analysis. We have a lot to reflect on, to be inspired and recreate starting from their themes, their ideological and emotional content as well as their means of expression, their particular structure and technique.
For that reason, it’s worth getting to know them better, to try to decode the symbols and their functions in relation to the present, setting aside the distorted images from stereotypes and superficial folklore."
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
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Position: 5270 (29 views)