Memory as inspiration for the Greeks and philhellenes of the world
Memory as inspiration for the Greeks and philhellenes of the world
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12 June 2021
Date Issued
As part of the bicentenary of the proclamation of the 1821 Greek Revolution, the Interorthodox Center of the Church of Greece hosts an online event entitled “Memory as inspiration for the Greeks and philhellenes of the world”. Pupils from the Greek schools of the diaspora honour the historical memory through the eyes and hearts of the Greek communities of the diaspora, the philhellenes of the world and especially the young people, who with the care of their worthy teachers approached such an important for Hellenism theme. In this event, students from: The Arsakeia Schools of Athens, the 3rd Primary School of Neo Psychiko, the Greek School Addis Ababa, the Hellenic High School of Bielefeld, the Dimitrios and Georgia Kaloidi Day Schoolthe Greek Afternoon School, Brooklyn NY, the Athenagoras Greek School of Buenos Aires, the Hellenic Gymnasium–Lyceum of Düsseldorf, the Free Greek School of Freiburg, the Greek Language Department of Grenoble, the Greek School of Nice - Côte d’Azur - Monaco and the Greek Language Department of Strasbourg, inspired by the events, faces and ideals of the Greek Revolution, they express themselves creatively through art and celebrate together from their place the event of the revolution. The aim of this initiative is for students to be creatively immersed in the national regeneration of 1821, to be inspired by the values of the struggle, to express themselves through art and to communicate with each other, highlighting 1821 as a unifying factor of Hellenism everywhere.
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
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