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“Bicentenary of the liberal revolution” podcast, episode 5: Aristides Hatzis with Yanni Kotsonis



“Bicentenary of the liberal revolution” podcast, episode 5: Aristides Hatzis with Yanni Kotsonis


9 February 2021


In the fifth podcast in the Centre for Liberal Studies (KEFiM) series “Bicentenary of the Liberal Revolution”, Aristides Hatzis hosts Yanni Kotsonis, professor of history at New York University and Director of the Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia in New York.

(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)

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The discussion revolves around the Yanni Kotsonis’ book 'The Greek Revolution and the empires: France and the Greeks, 1797-1830' [Η Ελληνική Επανάσταση και οι αυτοκρατορίες: Η Γαλλία και οι Έλληνες, 1797-1830'] Many issues are raised, such as the view of the Greek Revolution as an imperial event, mainly on the occasion of the case of the Ionian Islands. It also analyzes the process of creating the Greek national identity and the different influences on it by Greeks of the diaspora such as Rigas Feraios, Ioannis Kapodistrias and Alexandros Stourtzas, who wished for a Christian revolution, unlike the Phanariotes, who envisioned a liberal one.

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The Greek Revolution and Empires: France and the Greeks, 1797–1830

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