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The constitutional foundations of the modern Greek state



The constitutional foundations of the modern Greek state

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Substantiated historical research proves that the will of the vast majority of the fighting Greeks was stable and non-negotiable – in any way, both in the context of the armed struggle and in the context of the struggle by any available intellectual or other means – not only to liberate the enslaved for four centuries, under the Ottoman yoke, Greek nation and to make Greece an independent and autonomous nation-state, but also to acquire this state – the “modern Greek state” – from the outset the institutional bases of representative democracy and the guarantee of fundamental human rights, with the adoption of an integrated constitution. A, albeit concise, view of the “path” of consolidation of the constitutional foundations of the modern Greek state requires the recording of the tendencies of preparation of the “foreground” for the establishment of the first “final” Greek Constitution, the “Political Constitution of Greece”, that is, the 1827 Constitution of Troizina. For the comprehensiveness of this research the recording of such tendencies is also required, even before the official start of the revolution, on 25 March 1821. An appropriate way, then, to highlight and trace the course of shaping the constitutional foundations of the modern Greek state is the one that researches each of the three respective periods. That is, the period from the work of Rigas Velestinlis to the First National Assembly, which voted for the Constitution of Epidaurus in 1822, the period of the “temporary” Constitutions of 1822 and 1823 and, finally, the period up to the adoption of the “final” Constitution of Troizina, in 1827.

(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)

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