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Paintelling: Travelling with the symbols and myths of Rigas’ Charta



Paintelling: Travelling with the symbols and myths of Rigas’ Charta

Spatial Coverage


January-May 2021


Rigas’ Charta becomes the starting point of a fun game of riddles, deciphering, painting, and history. Attending the programme, you will have the opportunity to discover the secrets of a map created for the outbreak of the 1821 Revolution … Taking as their starting point a copy of the Charta of Greece found at the Onassis Library, students will solve riddles and decipher the messages that Rigas wished to give to the Greeks under Ottoman rule. Get ready to journey through the map, following a route full of unknown stories about coins, ancient monuments, historic battles, mythical heroes, kings and philosophers. Drawing inspiration from them, you will then create your own meaningful symbols.

(Edited and translated presentation of from Onassis Foundation website)

Type specialization


Data sets


Bibliographic Citation


BY-SA Attribution-ShareAlike


The program is addressed to students of the 3rd to 6th grade and teachers of Elementary School.

Position: 11527 (21 views)