Ottoman crisis and revolution: The Greek revolution as an Ottoman crisis
Ottoman crisis and revolution: The Greek revolution as an Ottoman crisis
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24–25 November 2021
The 1821 Revolution was not only a Greek and European, but also an Ottoman event, and is directly linked to the upheavals of the Ottoman “old regime” and the successive political crises of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. In turn, the crisis caused by the Greek Revolution played a catalytic role, accelerating the transformation of the Ottoman state into a European-style empire. The two-day conference aspires to explore the developments of the period 1789-1839 through the prism of the crisis of the Ottoman status quo and focusing on the Greek Revolution, but without dealing exclusively with it. The aim is to place the 1821 Revolution in its Ottoman contexts, both in terms of its generative causes and its consequences, and to highlight its connections with the wider social, political and ideological transformations of the Ottoman state and Ottoman societies, Christian and Muslim.
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
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Position: 6968 (30 views)