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The Greek Revolution of 1821: Contexts, Scottish connections, the classical tradition



The Greek Revolution of 1821: Contexts, Scottish connections, the classical tradition

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2021 Leventis Conference


18–20 November 2021


The Chair of Classical Studies of the A.G. Leventis Foundation at the University of Edinburgh (Visiting Research Professorship in Classical Greek, School of History, Classics and Archaeology), which aims to contribute to the wider study and understanding of ancient Greek culture and Greek history and scholarship, dedicates the 2021 Symposium to the Greek Revolution. The internationally renowned Symposium will bring together renowned scientists from around the world, and will lead to the publication of a volume of proceedings that will open new horizons for the assessment of the contribution of 1821.

The speakers will examine the contribution of the ancient Greek (and Byzantine) past to the cause, the ideological background and the reception of the revolution of 1821 – and will focus on themes such as: the Enlightenment, the path to the Revolution, Western philhellenism, the French Revolution’s impact, the events of the revolution and the beginnings of the modern Greek state, modern historiography and assessments of the Greek Revolution, the connection with Scotland, the revolution in Literature and Art and the influences on classical literature, archaeology and neoclassical art.

(Edited description from organiser’s website)

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