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The 1821 Revolution and the abolition of the janissary corps (1826): The imperial and provincial dimension of a peculiar relationship



The 1821 Revolution and the abolition of the janissary corps (1826): The imperial and provincial dimension of a peculiar relationship

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16 June 2022


The 1821 Revolution and the abolition of the janissary corps in 1826 are events of enormous political significance for the early 19th-century Ottoman Empire, but few studies have attempted to investigate their intermediate connection and understand their political relationship. However, an examination of the Ottoman sources of this time leads to the conclusion that the relationship between these two events is strong and has parameters that touch on the history of the Ottoman state at both the imperial and provincial levels. The presentation will try to highlight this very connection through the use of examples relating to a number of Ottoman regions, highlighting a different imperial dimension of the 1821 Revolution.

(Edited and translated abstract from organiser’s website)

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