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The Battle of the Vasilika, 26 August 1821



The Battle of the Vasilika, 26 August 1821

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26 August 2021

Date Issued



The Holy Metropolis of Fthiotida organises a series of anniversary events of honour and memory for the 200 years since the Greek Revolution of 1821 under the blessing and auspices of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece. The first speaker refers to the Virgin Mary who inspires the chiefs in the battle of Vasilika and is the support of Christianity. Panagia Renginiou is the sacred place where the chiefs met and asked for her blessing in important decisions. The Battle of Vasilika was a major military conflict of the revolution of 1821 that took place in Vasilika, Fthiotida, on 25 and 26 August 1821 with a victorious outcome for the Greeks. This victory of the Greeks was one of the most brilliant of the struggle, as it contributed to the cancellation of the Turkish campaign against the Peloponnese. The topic of the second speaker is “The Battle of the Vasilika, Lokrida, and its contribution to the Greek revolution”. The aim is to present this historical event and to highlight its importance, but mainly to make a correct topographic documentation. The speaker presents the study of two manuscripts, of the chiefs Ioannis Douvouniotis and Komnas Trakas.

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