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1821 as Revolution: Why did it break out and why did it suceed?



1821 as Revolution: Why did it break out and why did it suceed?




This year marks the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution. Once again, the founding event of the modern Greek state fuels the public debate, while intensifying the relevant academic production. Historical research on individual aspects of the pre-revolutionary and revolutionary period abounds; as is our knowledge of the conditions for the beginning and the positive development of the national liberation struggle. However, the overall interpretations surrounding the start and the outcome of the struggle can be anything but complete. As historian Gunnar Herring has argued, despite the accumulated “volume of material on factors that may play a role in interpretive correlations, […] historians only rarely contrast their positions and hypotheses with interpretive models that have been elaborated in the study of other revolutions.” A similar gap in relevant studies is observed in the context of political and social sciences.

The book by Dimitris Papanikolopoulos 1821 as a revolution; why did it break out why did it succeed aims to fill this gap. More specifically, the purpose of this study is to analyse the accumulated historical material with the help of modern theory of revolutions and social movements. In this context, the study focuses on the opportunities taken by the revolutionaries, the threats that motivated them, the identity parameters of their action, their speech and emotions, their organisation and leadership, the resources and the repertoire of action they used. All of these variables are considered equally important, although they refer to different levels of action, as if any of them were missing, it is highly doubtful whether it would be possible to crown the struggle as a success.

It is therefore an analysis of 1821 as a revolution by a scholar of collective action and social movements, a systematic researcher of the relevant socio-political phenomena and an in-depth knower of the respective comparative theories and the relevant international debate.

(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)

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