Primitive revolution: Armatoles and klephts (18th -19th century)
Primitive revolution: Armatoles and klephts (18th -19th century)
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May 2019
This volume gathers twenty texts by Spyros Asdrachas on the primitive revolution. Some of them are being republished for the first time after being originally written in the 1950s and 1960s. Asdrachas weaves a large historiographical design, which is interwoven with the great currents of thought and the thinkers of the social sciences … He tried to teach us that the grammar and the meanings of presuppositions refer to their own time. And how they need to be transcribed into grammar and the meanings of the words and signals on the interpreter’s table … This is the way of interpretation and presumption of argument; which in this book opens the doors for us and offers us the tools to confront the problems of understanding the primitive revolution. N. Theotokas.
(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)
(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)
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