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The Europe of the Greeks: Standard, threat, protector, 1833-1857



The Europe of the Greeks: Standard, threat, protector, 1833-1857




The period of Otto’s reign, up to the Crimean War, offers the most appropriate context to highlight the contradictions that characterised the attitude of the Greeks towards Europe. Next to their “quirks” and “fantasies”, the bitterness, disappointments and denials, or otherwise their phobias and insecurities towards their powerful “protectors” are recorded.

How did the Greeks perceive Europe’s role towards their newly established state? How did they react to the retreat of philhellenism and the indirect or direct interventions of the guarantor powers in the country’s interior? How did the “spoilt children of history” expect these powers to help in the process of national integration – and not just that –, thus politically redeeming their spiritual debt to the glorious ancient Greek heritage? The present study documents and analyses these issues based on the press, which constituted the most faithful mirror of ideological fermentations in post-revolutionary Greece.

(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)

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