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Spyridon, the other Trikoupis, 1788-1873



Spyridon, the other Trikoupis, 1788-1873


March 2019


A European-oriented liberal politician, diplomat and scholar, Spyridon Trikoupis (1788-1873) was the first prime minister of Greece and its first ambassador in London. One of the leaders of the English party, deeply constitutional and an admirer of the British polity, introduced his son, Harilaos Trikoupis, to parliamentarianism and inspired him to respect the constitution. Spyridon lived the fear of being Greek Orthodox in Missolonghi and Patras, the carelessness of the student in Naples and Paris, the anxiety of the revolution, the opulence of the aristocratic salons of London, Otto’s favour and disfavour, the exercise of power but also compulsory political inaction. With an education rare for his time and with an important and largely unknown activity during the Greek Revolution, he is considered its preeminent Greek historiographer.

(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)

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