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Modern Hellenism: Its worlds and the world



Modern Hellenism: Its worlds and the world

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Modern Hellenism: Its worlds and the world - Dedicated to Olga Katsiardi-Hering




Forty-one studies, organised into seven themes, which constitute a set of studies on the history of New Hellenism, mainly from the 15th century to the establishment of the Greek state, but also the entire long 19th century.

Greeks, Venetians, Ottomans, Christians and Muslims (13th-19th Centuries): Institutions, coexistence, material culture, revolts and revolution

Russia, the Mediterranean, Orthodoxy, the Greeks

The Greek world in its international dimension (16th-19th centuries): Diaspora, economy, ideas

Spiritual orientations and education: Ottoman Empire, Greece, Southeast Europe

Space and its history: Structure, functions, allegories, cartography

At the roots of societies: Gender, love, poverty, charity

Interpreting societies and their history: Impressions, receptions, ideas

The volume focuses on the Greek world of the period, highlighting the polysemy of the terms that define it, its multiple identities as well as its distinct characteristics, in its centuries-long, organic connection with the Ottoman Empire, Venice, the Mediterranean, the Balkans and the rest of Europe.

The volume is dedicated to Olga Katsiardi-Hering, professor emeritus of the Department of History and Archaeology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, for her internationally recognised research work, her fruitful teaching, her entire contribution to the History of Modern Hellenism.

(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)

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