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The American philhellenes of Hydra George Jarvis and William Washington



The American philhellenes of Hydra George Jarvis and William Washington


25 June 2021

Date Issued



The Society for Hellenism and Philhellenism (EEF) participated an event organised by the Municipality of Hydra to honour two American philhellenes who had a strong presence in Hydra and offered their lives to the struggle of the Greeks: William Townsend Washington and George Jarvis. During the ceremony, the mayor, Giorgos Koukoudakis, the president of the Municipal Council, A. Mavromati, and the American ambassador to Greece, Geoffrey Pyatt, unveiled a street sign on the island, which will now bear the name of the two American philhellenic fighters who fell in Greece during the liberation struggle of the Greeks. During the event, the history of Washington and Jarvis and other important American philhellenic from Boston, the exhibition on American philhellenism at the Museum of Philhellenism and the Gennadios Museum exhibition “The Free and the Brave” were presented. The topics of the talks were “The American philhellenes George Jarvis and William Washington in the Greek Revolution”, “American philhellenism in the USA and in Boston, Edward Everett and Dr Samuel Gridley Howe” and “Brave and Free American philhellenes, 1776–1866”. William Washington, nephew of the first President of the United States. and George Jarvis, the son of an American diplomat, were two American philhellenes with pivotal action on the island of Hydra. They fought together with the Hydriot sailors and fireship fighters in the 1821 Revolution.

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