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The two hundred years of the Greek state: Reviews and prospects



The two hundred years of the Greek state: Reviews and prospects


16 December 2021-9 June 2022


To mark the bicentenary of the 1821 Revolution, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens planned the organisation of a series of workshops on the 200 years of the Greek state. Starting from the thought that modern Greece was founded literally from scratch, these workshops, which were undertaken by academics of the respective specialisation, aim to highlight, in addition to the individual contribution of specific personalities, the institutional dimension of state action in the individual areas under examination. And this, in order to evaluate the performance of the modern Greek state in all these – independently but also in comparison with other countries of similar level of development – and to draw, with scientific criteria, general conclusions that contribute to the central pursuit of every great anniversary: national awareness.

All the conferences will be held in the Alkis Argyriadis Amphitheatre, in the format of a “live” conference, which favours the deeper discussion, which was missed during the pandemic. It is hoped that corresponding volumes will be issued, so that the findings of the conferences will be made available to the general public.
The themes of the workshops (and names of the workshop coordinators) are:

1. Diplomatic service and foreign policy (Evanthis Hatzivassiliou)
2. The Adventures of Greek Parliamentarism (Nikos Alivizatos)
3. Justice and judges (Michael Pikrammenos)
4. Culture and cultural policy (Anna Karakatsouli)
5. Social insurance (John Yfantopoulos)
6. Two hundred years of the western turn: Health, society, state (Katerina Gardikas)
7. Public administration: Structures and people (Antonis Makrydimitris)
8. Army and police (Thanos Veremis and Evanthis Hatzivassiliou)
9. Greek Economy: Past, Present and Future (Michalis Psalidopoulos)
10. Education and educational policy (Vangelis Karamanolakis and Charalambos Babounis)
11. General conclusions

(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)

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