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The Great Idea, the University of Athens and the “progress of the nation” in the newly founded Greek kingdom



The Great Idea, the University of Athens and the “progress of the nation” in the newly founded Greek kingdom


18 March 2021


The presentation attempts to treat the Great Idea as a pre-eminent “legacy” of the 1821 Revolution, as a result of the formation of the Greek nation-state and the exclusion outside of the national borders of many of the populations that had revolted. At the same time, this lecture acknowledges the Great Idea as an umbrella term, according to the point of view of Elli Skopetea. A concept that could include a number of different meanings and strategies: war preparation but also internal development, emulation of ideas and Greek Ottomanism; domestic and foreign policy, and at the same time spiritual life, education and scientific development. Different paths, different strategies, that in theory at least could lead to the expansion of borders and the integration of the “unredeemed” brethren.

The lecture focuses particularly on the ideology of “national progress” and the pursuit of internal development of the country as the most effective strategy for the realization of the Great Idea and with reference to the University of Athens. The University of Athens was the most important institution for shaping the intellectual and scientific life in the 19th century and at the same time an incubator of the different concepts of the Great Idea. Highlighting the different voices that used the concept of progress within the higher education institution (rectory authorities, teaching staff, students), the announcement attempts to identify the characteristics of this progress, mainly the Europeanisation of the country and the connection with antiquity. Above all, however, it was associated with the cultivation of science as an indicator of the high position of the Greeks in their modern world and with the aim of improving their material living conditions and the internal development of the country as the necessary step for the realization of irredentist visions.

(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)

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