"When the press was writing the history of 1821: The Xenophons of the revolution"
"When the press was writing the history of 1821: The Xenophons of the revolution"
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The Educational Foundation of the Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers, in collaboration with the Ellinogermaniki Agogi private schools, published the commemorative album marking the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution entitled “When the press wrote the history of 1821": The Xenophons of the revolution”. This is the publication of the archive of the newspapers of the revolutionary press of the liberation struggle, kept in the union’s library. At the same time, eleven modern journalists interpret, comment and illuminate specific issues through the reports of the era, which resulted in the establishment of the Greek state.
(Edited and translated abstract from organiser’s website)
(Edited and translated abstract from organiser’s website)
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