EPANASTASIS-1821: Communication and Promotion of a Revival of Historical Events of the Revolution through Virtual Reality-1821
EPANASTASIS-1821: Communication and Promotion of a Revival of Historical Events of the Revolution through Virtual Reality-1821
Type specialization
The purpose of the virtual museum EPANASTASIS-1821 is to communicate important events of the Greek Revolution and to highlight aspects of the nation’s revolution war, as depicted in archival material, books and artistic representations in Greece and abroad. The proposal is addressed to the general public and aims, through the use of innovative educational tools of full-immersive virtual reality, to enhance the user’s experience and to create a more effective understanding of the impact these events had on our people, the evolution of the Greek state and its influence in the European world. For this purpose, a consolidated exhibition program is currently in the making to support the virtual museum of EPANASTASIS-1821, which with semantic flow and relevance, will narrate aspects of the Greek Revolution through the compilation of a collection of digitised material, which is related to the events and the personalities of the liberation. The main objective of this research is the utilisation in the field of museum practice of the modern digital possibilities offered by virtual reality technology and serious games.
(Edited description from organiser’s website)
(Edited description from organiser’s website)
Δημιουργός - Φορέας
Επιστημονικά Υπεύθυνος/Υπεύθυνη
Ioannis Kompatsiaris (Centre for Research & Technology Hellas - CERTH)
Σύνδεσμος έργου
Position: 1130 (58 views)