Public finances, health and political conflict in the time of Ioannis Kapodistrias
Public finances, health and political conflict in the time of Ioannis Kapodistrias
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2 October 2021
The talk focuses on the 1828–1831 period and the efforts to establish a health system. Based on the financial accounts of the period, the development of public health structures during the Kapodistrian era will be studied in order to reveal those points that were emphasised by the governor. Particular mention will be made of border health efforts at both the inter-community and trans-state levels. This emphasis is explained by the fact that the establishment of sanitary facilities and clearing/quarantine points facilitates the analysis of the way in which the effort to collect (sanitary) duties is intertwined with the parallel efforts of sanitary and political control of human movements. Kapodistrias primarily had a financial interest in healthcare. To what extent, on the basis of the revenue accounts, was such interest justified? Since Kapodistrias has already found well-established health centres, how much were their number, operation and revenues been affected by this double attempt to establish a single border control and uniform public revenues? What resistance did he encounter? Since the collection is linked to the political legitimacy of what it received, to what extent did the opposition in Kapodistrias include in its political arguments this attempt to increase public revenues and what was the attitude of the admirals of the Great Powers? The plague epidemic of 1828 further complicates matters as it becomes a “weapon” of political conflict both by Kapodistrias (who controls the correspondence of his opponents) and by the opposition (which goes so far as to deny the existence of an epidemic). The main argument of the speech is that epidemic fear, political confrontations and the economic situation interact and are shaped together.
(Slightly modified abstract from the conference programme)
(Slightly modified abstract from the conference programme)
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Position: 8620 (21 views)