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“Financial sacrifice”: The ambiguous language of the financial participation of the Aegean islands in the revolution



“Financial sacrifice”: The ambiguous language of the financial participation of the Aegean islands in the revolution


2 October 2021


The financial aspects of the Greek Revolution was evident from the outset and was organised by the central administration in the revolutionary provinces on the basis of a new concept of national taxation. The appearance and different uses of the terms “financial sacrifice” and “compensation” in the statutes of the revolution and in the island postrevolutionary secretariat (mainly in the memoirs of persons from Hydra and Psara), seem to refer less to a national rhetoric and more to the ways in which administration and local actors are investing a deeply ingrained prerevolutionary conception of “contribution” as a natural compulsion in a new 19th-century fiscal language that perceives tax as a voluntary exchange of services between citizens and the state. This dual language could shed different light on the resistance and conflicts of local communities, such as the Aegean islands, on the issue of the fundraisings for the revolution, which for the rapporteurs of the “Greek public economy” in the late 19th and early 20th century (Ioannis Zografos, Andreas Andreadis, Ioannis Tsangaris), were considered as a national problem: the insufficient, and therefore brave, “financial sacrifices” in the revolution not only announced the “loans of independence”, but also a constant “public borrowing”, internal and external, which has characterised the entire history of the national economy.

(Edited and translated abstract from the conference organisers)

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