Creator is exactly
Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy
The representatives of the National Assemby: Voulektikon
Rigas and the Revolution
Webpage/blog -
Researching and discussing Governor Ioannis Kapodistrias
Webpage/blog -
Educational material of the Hellenic Parliament Foundation
Webpage/blog -
Different history lessons
Webpage/blog -
Greek Parliament: The stations of a journey of almost two hundred years
Exhibition -
Facing freedom! In the Greek Parliament, two centuries later
Exhibition -
Greek Parliament: The stations of a journey of almost 200 years
Exhibition -
Greek Parliament: The stops on a route of almost 200 years
Exhibition -
Klephtic songs translated into five languages
Book -
Conference proceedings: “1821 and memoirs: Historical usage and historiographical knowledge”
Conference Proceedings -
Memoirs on the war of the Cretans for Greek autonomy
Book -
History of the regular army, 1821–1833
Book -
War memoirs of various battles between the Greeks and the Ottomans in Souli and Eastern Greece from 1820 to 1829
Book -
Texts of Remembrance
Book series -
Memoirs of the second siege of Messolongi (1825–1826) and other notes concerning the history of the great struggle
Book -
Jeremy Bentham and the Greek Revolution