Creator is exactly
Research Centre for the Humanities (RCH)
1821 and the World
Speech/Lecture -
Workshop: 1821: What Made it Greek and Revolutionary?
Conference -
Settlement patterns in the Peloponnese during the Greek Revolution
1821 Digital Archive
Digital Archive 1821
Exhibition -
1821 Digital Archive official presentation
Speech/Lecture -
1821 Digital Archive
Speech/Lecture -
Revolution and empire in the Mediterranean: The Greek Revolution in context
Conference -
Singing the Revolution
Book -
Settlement patterns in the Peloponnese during the Greek Revolution: Methodological and historiographical prerequisites, research objectives and case studies
Book -
An investigation of the policy of the Albanians during the Greek struggle for independence (1821-1825)
Book -
Reappraising the historiography of the 1821 Greek Revolution
Book -
Heroes in motion
Speech/Lecture -
Sartorial habits, fashion and body just before the revolution
Speech/Lecture -
A digital archive for 1821: research-visualization and the luck of the unexpected
Speech/Lecture -
1821: what was Greek or revolutionary about it?