Subject - keywords is exactly
Lord Byron: The poet and the revolutionary in Greece
Speech/Lecture -
Nights of 2021/2022: Regarding Dionysios Solomos’ “Free Besieged” at the bicentennial’s end
Conference presentation -
Between Teos and Sparta: The revolution in Panagiotis Soutsos’ The Cithara (1835)
Conference presentation -
Union of Greek Writers and Writers of the Five Continents: Online poetry event
Conference -
“Freedom-loving speech:” Greek poetry and modern revolution
Conference presentation -
The cult of the insurgent Greek nation in Kalvos’ “Odes”
Conference presentation -
New interdisciplinary perspectives on the Greek Revolution
Conference -
1821-1831: Along with freedom, the new literature is born. Poetry, prose, scholarship
Book -
Neohellenic poetry and the 1821 Revolution: In conversation with history
Book -
Giorgakis Olympios: A branch of tears in the grave of the fallen Greeks
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Markos Botsaris on Mount Aracynthus
Book -
Errors and omissions in the emblematic "9 July 1821…" by Vassilis Michailidis and the healing presence of the manuscript tradition
Speech/Lecture -
The other lives of 1821
Speech/Lecture -
30th Annual Runciman Lecture
Speech/Lecture -
Andreas Kalvos: Unsmiling child of a goddess with many children
Performing arts -
Oh beloved motherland
Music event -
Freedom, Greek Muse
Music event -
Cantata of liberty
Music event -
Oh divine and bloodied homeland
Performing arts -
The Dodecanese in the national uprising. Day 6: The national uprising in our tradition and founding struggle
Conference -
Literary outlooks on Greek women’s captivity: Polish philhellenic literature in European contexts
Conference presentation -
The Revolution in the Greek poetry of the 19th and 20th century
Speech/Lecture -
The two sister countries: Italian philhellenism and the Greek Revolution
Speech/Lecture -
Müller of the Greeks: Philhellenism in German Music
Music event -
National and universal significance of the Greek Uprising 1821: From the perspective of Polish romantic philhellenes
Conference presentation