Subject - keywords is exactly
Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece
Reactions to a post by, 10/3/2021, 23:09
The post shares a news report about the Chamber of the Fine Arts of Greece’s accusations regarding Evritos’ graffiti in the municipality of Elliniko-Argyroupoli, in which the work is considered to be illegal –in terms of commissioning and execution– its creator a member of the far-right, the city government’s handling incendiary and the situation provocative given the field’s difficult situation post-Covid. The post receives mixed comments. -
Reactions to a post by LIFO, 11/03/2021, 08:02
The post shares an article that discusses the frustration and subsequent announcement by the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece, regarding the unlawful and ideologically polarising commissioning of Evritos by the municipality of Argyroupoli-Elliniko. The comments largely disagree with the article.