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Reactions to a post by ROSA, 23/3/2021, 12:16
The post shares an article which summarises the history of the depiction in the Benaki Museum charm featuring Manto Mavrogenous. It considers the item itself to be a refreshing aesthetic proposal, and the negative reaction to it is seen as conservative/hyper-patriotic, even hyperbolic and funny. The post receives mixed to positive comments. -
Reaction to the article "Health, H@@d-On and Revolution: Uproar over the commemorative charm from the Benakis Museum"
The article is a slightly ironic report on the negative reactions to the Benaki Museum’s charm featuring Manto Mavrogenous. It presents the item, which is considered to be the creation of a single artist. It claims the museum removed the charm from its e-shop and cites the organization’s statement of support for the artists involved. The comments are negative, but start from different perspectives. -
Reaction to an article "The charm with Manto Mavrogenous and the phrase 'Health, H@@d-On, Revolution'. The Benakis Museum responds"
The article shares a report on the charm featuring Manto Mavrogenous by the Benaki Museum is presented. The pieces focuses on the alleged vulgar phrase written on it and the museum’s official announcement on the issue, which supports its artists involved. The post receives mixed to negative comments. -
Reactions to a post by Documento, 23/3/2021, 11:20
The post shares an article which references the negative reactions to the charm featuring Manto Mavrogennous with ironic humour, and places them in the context of the bicentenary festivities, which are considered to be overweening. The post receives mixed comments. -
Reactions to a post from Avgi, 23/3/2021, 11:57
The post shares an article presenting the Benaki Museum’s sold-out charm featuring Manto Mavrogenonus in a humorous but positive manner. The article references the history of the depicted figure and mocks the negative reaction towards it, considering it conservative and hyper-patriotic. The post receives generally negative comments.