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  • Reactions to a post by ROSA, 26/7/2021, 20:51

    The post shares of a critical article regarding services given to the Skai television station by the Municipality of Athens, at a cost of 30,000 euros and occasioned by the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution. The comments agree entirely with the article.
  • Reactions to a post by ROSA, 4/1/2021, 19:40

    The post shares an article regarding the commitment of 16,000 euros for the purchase of 50 albums on the Greek Revolution, using data from the Diavgeia platform and correspondence with the Ministry of Culture and taken from the respective article from the Documento website. The post receives mixed to agreeing comments.
  • Reactions to a post by ROSA, 23/3/2021, 12:16

    The post shares an article which summarises the history of the depiction in the Benaki Museum charm featuring Manto Mavrogenous. It considers the item itself to be a refreshing aesthetic proposal, and the negative reaction to it is seen as conservative/hyper-patriotic, even hyperbolic and funny. The post receives mixed to positive comments.