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  • Reactions to a post by TV Without Borders, 19/3/2021, 15:57

    The post shares a report on instances of violence after the restoration of Evritos’ work in the municipality of Argyroupoli-Elliniko, in which citizens pretending to be policemen assaulted suspected vandals and were arrested. The post receives mixed comments that review the case and are not concerned with current developments.
  • Reactions to a post of TV Without Borders, 4/3/2021, 13:01

    The post shares an article on the reactions to artist Evritos’ invitation by the municipality of Serres owing to his alleged fascist and aggressive work, mostly from opposition councillors as well as the responsible committee’s ignorance. The post receives largely positive comments.
  • Reactions to a post by TV Without Borders, 5/1/2021, 9:22

    The post shares an article regarding the discovery of additional wages for members of the Greek Parliament’s secretariat for the preparation of a report on the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution, through publicly posted documents. The post receives mostly positive comments.