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The Institute for Mediterranean Studies–FORTH at the anniversary for the 200 years since the revolution of 1821



The Institute for Mediterranean Studies–FORTH at the anniversary for the 200 years since the revolution of 1821


22 March–6 December 2021


"The Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas contributes to the bicentenary of the 1821 Greek Revolution with a series of in-person and online lectures. Considering as our point of departure the institute’s specialisation in the fields of modern Greek, Ottoman and Mediterranean history, and the ties it has established since it was created, a number of topics and speakers have been selected which will hopefully contribute to a better understanding of the founding revolution of the Greek state and the extent of its importance as an event for the wider region of the Eastern Mediterranean, for Europe and for the world."

(Edited and translated abstract from organiser’s website)

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