The contribution of the clergy to the struggles of the nation
The contribution of the clergy to the struggles of the nation
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07 June 2021
Date Issued
The Holy Diocese of Veria, Naoussa and Campania dedicates the 27th festival in honour of St Paul to the bicentenary of 1821. In this framework, it is hosting a priests’ conference on the topic “The contribution of the Holy Clergy to the struggles of the Nation”. The purpose of the event is to highlight important events of the national uprising and to honour the fighters who sacrificed themselves for freedom. The first speaker refers to the role of the church before the revolution, the sacrifice of the clergy and the responsibilities of the patriarchs. He emphasises the contribution of St Cosmas of Aetolia to education and of all the clergy and monasteries in the preparation of the struggle, before and during the revolution. The second speaker underlines the contribution of modern-day martyrs and the monasteries while mentioning the names of historical figures and monasteries that sacrificed themselves for liberty.
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
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