Struggle and sacrifice in Macedonia: Local modern-day martyrs, heroes and fighters of the 1821 Greek Revolution
Struggle and sacrifice in Macedonia: Local modern-day martyrs, heroes and fighters of the 1821 Greek Revolution
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06 June 2021
Date Issued
The Holy Metropolis of Florina, Prespa and Eordea, marking the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution, presents an online event on the topic of “Struggle and sacrifice in Macedonia: Local modern-day martyrs, heroes and fighters of the 1821 Greek Revolution”, under the auspices of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece. The first session refers to the contribution of the church and the nation in the preparation of the revolution with emphasis on the local modern-day martyrs of the Holy Metropolis of Florina, Prespa and Eordea, in the person of the local saint Agathangelos. Reference was made to the missionary activity of St Cosmas of Aetolia, who also passed through the area of Florina, nd the modern-day martyr Dimitrios Grammatikos. The second session was dedicated to the aspects of the ecclesiastical and national history of the revolution, with emphasis on the local heroes and fighters of the struggle. The speakers discussed Ecumenical Patriarch Grigorios V, delved into the life and work of Ecumenical Patriarch Chrysanthos from Kato Grammatiko in Pella, focused on the books published by the church before 1821, while at the end they presented western Macedonian heroes and fighters who participated in the revolution.
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
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