21: The battle of the Square
21: The battle of the Square
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What do we know today about 1821? And what will millennials feel about the revolution and tell their own children? Stories of people, our history. Battles in the mountains and the seas, battles in words, in the texts of those who lived or dealt with the revolution. A “battle” in today’s square, in front of the statue of Kolokotronis. Where the conversations about 1821 of an old homeless man struggle against oblivion and national stereotypes, interpretations of history, its silences. Where the battles, through these narratives, come to life in front of the surprised eyes of a young girl. Everyone is here. Heroes and antiheroes. Rumelians and Moreans, kodjabashis, phanariotes, shipowners, philhellenes and chieftains, the Great Powers, Ottoman firmans, Albanian yatagans, Egyptian bayonets.
The graphic novel "21: The Battle of the Square" attempts a different approach to history, combining the artful narration of comics with scientific documentation. The book comes with a glossary, chronology, biographical information but also informative texts and source references, making it suitable for all ages.
The research for and publication of the graphic novel enjoyed the support of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation and the University of the Aegean and were conducted under the auspices of the National History Museum.
With texts by more than 30 authors and the visual creations of more than 50 painters and engravers, the book is a maze of subjective approaches to the battles and the faces of the struggle, the events and the ideas of the revolution.
(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)
The graphic novel "21: The Battle of the Square" attempts a different approach to history, combining the artful narration of comics with scientific documentation. The book comes with a glossary, chronology, biographical information but also informative texts and source references, making it suitable for all ages.
The research for and publication of the graphic novel enjoyed the support of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation and the University of the Aegean and were conducted under the auspices of the National History Museum.
With texts by more than 30 authors and the visual creations of more than 50 painters and engravers, the book is a maze of subjective approaches to the battles and the faces of the struggle, the events and the ideas of the revolution.
(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)
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Position: 1432 (43 views)