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History has a face: The figures of the fighters from their contemporary artists



History has a face: The figures of the fighters from their contemporary artists


14 April 2021


"In our collective subconscious, the figure of the 1821 fighters is identified with the well-known posters we remember from school, images that were based on the large oil paintings of the National Historical Museum. Apart from the well-known philhellene painters and engravers who illustrated the struggle, the Belgian diplomat Benjamin Mary, during his stay in Greece (1839-1844), captured the figures of the people he met but mainly he was an unfaltering witness, almost like a photojournalist, during the National Assembly of 1843-44. From the diplomatic gallery he was constantly capturing proxies and spectators. For many of the fighters it is the only image we have of them. For the more famous, however, he gave us a depiction of them as faithful as possible. Twenty-two of his images are presented in the open-air exhibition hosted on the fencing of the National Garden for the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution."

(Edited description from organiser’s website)

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