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Aeschylus, The Libation Bearers



Aeschylus, The Libation Bearers

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11 October 2020

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Aeschylus’ The Libation Bearers, the second play of Oresteia, the only surviving trilogy of ancient Greek drama, will launch this year’s “Parabases” journey. Orestes returns after several years in Argos, and reunites with Electra. The two siblings – portrayed by Aeschylus as two innocent children encumbered with a massive debt – will add their voices to the women’s Chorus sent by a terrified Clytemnestra to offer libations at the tomb of Agamemnon, in order to appease him. Together they will summon the murdered king and the dark forces of the world, and plan their revenge. The Libation Bearers, a play of great lyrical value, gives us the opportunity to follow the painful but fascinating process of building a tragic hero in its entirety: how his environment and the gods force his hand, how he hesitates and resists, how he draws the strength to commit matricide, and how he ultimately comes to face his own agonizing realization and the wrath of the Furies.
Dimitra Vlagopoulou, Stella Vogiatzaki, Sofia Kokkali, Ektoras Lygizos, Anna Mascha, Iro Bezou and The Boy interpret Aeschylus’ tragedy The Libation Bearers. Adapted and directed by Ektoras Lygizos and music by The Boy.

(Edited description from organiser’s website)

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