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The Peloponnesian Senate: A political institution of the Greek Revolution



The Peloponnesian Senate: A political institution of the Greek Revolution


19–20 November 2021


The Peloponnesian Senate was born out of necessity but was also an original institution that played a decisive role in the administrative formation of the areas under revolt, in the organisation of the logistics of the armed forces, in the consolidation of the struggle. The completion of the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution is a good occasion to approach this special local organisation in the light of modern historical research, new archival availability and the density of the bibliography around 1821. At the same time, the acquisition and photomechanical reproduction by the Michael N. Stassinopoulos–Viohalco Public Benefit Foundation of important evidence of the Peloponnesian Senate, that is its 17-member affidavit with Theodoros Kolokotronis, which was drafted on on 16 October 1822, is also a strong sign to explore the historical course of this local Peloponnesian institution, the very establishment of which involved the transcendence of localism.

(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)

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