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The philhellenes and the 1821 Revolution: A complex relationship



The philhellenes and the 1821 Revolution: A complex relationship


13 December 2020


Thanassis Gallos talks to Anna Karakatsouli, associate professor of the Theatre Studies Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, on the occasion of the bicentenary of the 1821 Revolution, about the multidimensional phenomenon of philhellenes and philhellenism. On the basis of her book “‘Freedom Fighters’ and 1821: The Greek Revolution in its transnational dimension” (Pedio, 2016), they discuss the ideological roots of philhellenism, between the Enlightenment and Romanticism, how many and who were these foreign volunteers and why their interaction with the Greeks was so difficult. They also discuss what was the influence and role of the philhellenes in the struggle, highlighting some characteristic personalities of foreign fighters but also the reaction of the West to this revolutionary current. Finally, the unknown aspect of the influence of foreign fighters in Greece of 1821, in literary fiction, is illuminated.
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)

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