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The Greek Revolution through the Ottoman perspective



The Greek Revolution through the Ottoman perspective


26 May 2021


The series marking the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution continues with a discussion with with Elias Kolovos, Leonidas Moiras and Christine M. Philliou.

Recently, our historiography around 1821 was enriched for the first time, on a remarkable quantitative and qualitative scale, with books based on research of Ottoman sources and which negotiate the “rival” point of view. In other words, books that offer us, on the one hand, the Ottoman view of the Greek Revolution – which was decisive for the fate of the Ottoman Empire – and, on the other, new information about the Greek population in the areas under Ottoman rule, information based on archival research that, for various reasons, had not been possible to examine in the past. Apart from the obvious need to access as many sources as possible, the Ottoman view, as well as the systematic examination of the international environment of the time in general, enrich our gaze and contribute to our self-knowledge.

(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)

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The Greek Revolution through Ottoman eyes

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